Metropolitan Hrisostom of Dabar-Bosnia
Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne
Serbian Orthodox Patriarchate
Your Eminence,
Esteemed Brother and Concelebrant in the Lord’s Mysteries,
It is with sadness, but with hope in the Resurrection, that I write to you today on behalf of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America, together with the clergy and the faithful, to express our sincerest condolences and fervent prayers for the soul of the newly departed Archbishop of Peć and Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci, Patriarch Irinej of Serbia. May he find rest in the bosom of Abraham, and may his memory be eternal!
Our newly-departed brother and concelebrant was a lifelong devoted servant of the Church. As a national leader and proud Serb, he inspired all Serbs to hold fast to the Orthodox faith and tradition of their ancestors. Internationally, he resisted any divisiveness in Christ’s Church, and rather strengthened the fraternal bonds between Orthodox Christians of all nations everywhere.
Grant rest eternal, in blessed repose, O Lord, to the soul of thy servant, the newly departed Patriarch Irinej, and may his memory be eternal!
With prayers on behalf of our newly departed brother, and with intercessions for all of the clergy and faithful of the mourning Serbian Orthodox Church, I remain
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
+ Tikhon
Archbishop of Washington
Metropolitan of All America and Canada