[Archived News] Monday, May 21, 2012

Youngwood Parish Celebrates 100 Year Anniversary

By Melony Musgrave

Youngwood, PA - With great pride in our forefathers who struggled and sacrificed in order to found and perpetuate our Holy Church, and much joy in the celebration of an important milestone, parishioners and friends of the Holy Ascension of Our Lord Church in Youngwood, Pennsylvania, celebrated 100 years of service to God on May 20, 2012.
Divine Liturgy was concelebrated by Proto Dragoljub Malich and former parish priest Proto Stephen Zaremba and  Proto Vladimir Demshuk. The choir was directed by Shan Stanoszek and the Epistle was read by Lauren Musgrave. Honored Kumovi were Phil Monte and Angeline Babich.
Our entire parish was also honored and delighted to have as guests our former Popadija Slavonka Micich, who with her son, Blagoje Micich, traveled from New York City and former Protinica Svetlana Zaremba and her daughter Jovana, who traveled from St. Petersburg, Florida.  Our former parish priests Proto Adam Yonitch with Protinica Roberta and Proto George Yatsko also attended along with area priests Proto Stevo Rocknage with Protinica Joanne, Proto Dr. Rodney Torbic, and Proto Rade Merick with Protinica Donna.
After the Divine Liturgy, Slava Litia, and the cutting of the Slavski Kolac, all parishioners and guests enjoyed a continental breakfast in the social hall and then proceeded the short distance to the banquet hall of the Youngwood Fire Department to enjoy a gala celebration complete with sit-down dinner, open bar hosted by the Youngwood firemen, a sweet table prepared by the ladies of the church which included homemade apple and cheese strudels and other Serbian delicacies, and music by Radost.
The newly renovated banquet hall, decorated in the traditional red, blue, and white colors of the Serbian Trobojka, and configured in round tables of eight, looked beautiful with fresh floral table centerpieces created and donated by Bernadette Barron.
Each person in attendance received a copy of our 122 page 100th Anniversary commemorative book; a special book of spiritual readings, Pileca Supa for the Soul, created and donated by Shan Stanoszek; a lovely program prepared by Mary Collins; and a beautiful wooden commemorative icon of the Holy Ascension of Our Lord donated by Mitzi Maystorovich in memory of her sister, Bojana Maystorovich. A door prize consisting of an evening’s lodging and brunch for two at Seven Springs Resort was won by Catherine Anthony.
Proto Malich delivered the keynote address; Stephen Cropper, Chief Meteorologist at WPXI, Channel 11, served as master of ceremonies; and Jovana Zaremba delighted all in attendance with her beautiful renditions of the American and Serbian National Anthems.
The committee members who worked countless hours to hold this beautiful and memorable 100th Slava were Alex Morvosh, chairman; Shan Stanoszek, vice chair; Marianne Klassen; Sherry Stokes; Kim Kabaci; Melony Musgrave; Gary Musgrave; Angie Babich; Bernadette Barron; Amelia Damiano; Diane Naglich; and Darrell Hill.
On the day of our 100th Krsna Slava, the sun shone brightly from a cloudless sky on our Church, our parishioners, and all of our guests. We thank God for the abundant blessings He has given us, and we  sincerely thank all of you, who represented most of the Serbian Orthodox Churches of Western Pennsylvania, for coming to share this beautiful day with us.
May God grant our Church and our many friends many more years! Mnogaja Ljeta!